St Albans city centre has a series of alleyways that have a historical significance and are part of our heritage. Sadly, they have been much neglected in recent times and have become repositories for rubbish and wheelie bins. (https://www.stalbanscivicsociety.net/wp-

The Alleyways Project is a combined group of representatives from Conservation 50, St Albans Civic Society, St Albans & Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society, Civic Society, Business Improvement District andSt Albans City and District Council, whose aim is not just to restore the alleyways but to celebrate their
existence and their rich history.

The plan is to sort out the rubbish issue, improve their condition and then, with the owners and council permission, identify historical and green themes for each alley, culminating in a school's competition to design decorations/graphics/greening for each alley.

The benefits in restoring and decorating the alleyways will be that they become part of the social and cultural offering of the city, encouraging engagement with citizens and visitors alike.
Fingers crossed we can make it happen!
would be great to see the alleyways spruced up